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Alternative Processes 

The love of Photography – Digital, Analog, and a combination of both!
Always Exploring with Nature's Elements.

What an unforgettable experience at Mount Camdeboo Private Game Reserve

Mount Camdeboo inspired this body of work. Connecting with the animals has left an everlasting impact on my soul. Thank you, Harry, Norman, Kuvuka, Kusasa, and all the other wildlife on the reserve. And thank you, Cathy and the Buchanan family and staff –I did indeed left a part of my heart with you.

Limited Edition Cyanotype Prints available upon request. 50% of sales are donated back to Mount Camdeboo.

These prints are called cyanotypes. The cyanotype process is also known as sun-printing was invented by Sir John Herschel. However, Anna Atkins, the first female photographer, used this technique with plants for the book Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions (1843). The paper is treated with ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide. Once the paper and, in this case – a digital negative are exposed to sunlight and then washed in water, the uncovered areas of the paper turn to a dark blue; these prints are one-of-kind.

Silk ScarvesHand-painted silk scarves with the combination of cyanotypes.
Imagery of Harry, Norman, Kuvuka, Kusasa, and mother and baby rhino.

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